Eufy L60 Robot Vacuum with Self-Empty Station Review



Imagine a world where you could practically forget about vacuuming for up to two months. Welcome to the reality brought by the Eufy L60 Robot Vacuum with Self-Empty Station, a game-changer in the realm of robotic vacuums. This device isn’t just another robot roaming aimlessly around your house; it’s a smart, powerful, and incredibly efficient cleaning companion.

In a world where technology often promises more than it delivers, the Eufy L60 stands out by not just meeting expectations but exceeding them. The L60 model comes with a set of features that addresses many of the typical frustrations associated with robotic vacuums, such as frequent emptying, tangled hair, and inefficient cleaning paths.

Starting with its robust 5,000 Pa suction power, the Eufy L60 doesn’t shy away from heavy dirt or debris. Whether it’s hair, crumbs, or dust, it promises to lift it all in a single pass, leaving behind spotlessly clean floors. This power is complemented by the vacuum’s ability to navigate and adapt to your home’s layout with precision. Using iPath Laser Navigation, the device employs advanced Lidar technology to scan each room, creating accurate maps that guide its cleaning route. This means no more random bumping into furniture or missed spots.

Perhaps the most standout feature is the Self-Empty Station. Equipped with the capacity to hold up to 60 days’ worth of dust and debris, this feature allows you to take a hands-off approach to vacuuming. The dust bin inside the robot vacuum automatically empties its contents into a 2.5 L dust bag located in the station, ensuring that you don’t have to worry about daily or even weekly maintenance.

Moreover, the Eufy L60 is not just about hardware. It also includes customizable features through the AI.Map 2.0 on the app. This technology allows you to tailor the cleaning experience to your home’s unique needs, selecting specific rooms for cleaning, setting up No-Go Zones to avoid areas like pet bowls or delicate objects, and even saving multiple floor maps for homes with more than one story.

Eufy L60 Robot Vacuum

Hair Detangling Technology

One of the highlights of the Eufy L60 is its Hair Detangling Technology. Anyone who’s struggled with removing tangled hair from a vacuum’s roller brush will appreciate this feature. The Eufy L60 addresses this common annoyance head-on. The Self-Empty Station is equipped with mechanisms that cut through hair wrapped around the brush, ensuring the vacuum maintains optimal performance without manual intervention. This is particularly beneficial for pet owners or households with long-haired individuals.

Eufy L60 Robot Vacuum

Self-Empty Station and Capacity

The Self-Empty Station of the Eufy L60 is more than just a gimmick; it’s a core feature that enhances the entire vacuuming experience. With the ability to hold up to 2.5 liters of dust, users can enjoy up to 60 days of hands-free cleaning. This station not only automates the task of emptying the dust bin but also ensures a more hygienic disposal process, ideal for those who dislike dealing with dust and debris.

Eufy L60 Robot Vacuum

Customizable Cleaning with AI.Map 2.0

Customization is at your fingertips with the Eufy L60’s AI.Map 2.0 technology. Through an intuitive app, users can direct the vacuum to clean specific rooms, avoid others, and even set up No-Go Zones. This feature is incredibly useful for households with complex layouts or specific cleaning needs. Additionally, the Multi-Floor Mapping capability allows the vacuum to navigate and remember different floor plans, a boon for multi-story homes.

Eufy L60 Robot Vacuum

Ultra-Strong Suction

At the heart of the Eufy L60’s cleaning capability is its ultra-strong 5,000 Pa suction power. This impressive feature ensures that everything from fine dust particles to larger debris like crumbs and hair is effectively removed from all types of flooring. The powerful suction, combined with efficient routing from the iPath Laser Navigation, guarantees that your floors will be thoroughly cleaned with minimal passes.

Eufy L60 Robot Vacuum


  • Hands-free maintenance
  • Powerful 5,000 Pa suction
  • Advanced hair detangling
  • High-capacity dustbin
  • Precise navigation technology


  • Higher price point
  • Requires app for full functionality
  • Can be loud during operation
  • Bulkier than other models


The Eufy L60 Robot Vacuum is an exemplary blend of convenience, power, and smart technology. It promises to transform the way you clean your home, making it an ideal choice for busy individuals or families. Its ability to deliver up to 60 days of hands-free cleaning not only saves time but also ensures a consistently clean environment. While the Eufy L60 might be revolutionizing the way we think about vacuuming, it’s worth comparing it to other market leaders like Shark AI Ultra and iRobot Roomba Combo i5+, both of which offer different features that might suit various household needs. In the end, if your goal is to minimize interaction and maximize cleanliness, the Eufy L60 is a formidable contender.

Eufy L60 Robot Vacuum
Eufy L60 Robot Vacuum with Self-Empty Station Review
The Eufy L60 Robot Vacuum with Self-Empty Station is a robust tool designed to make floor cleaning as effortless and unobtrusive as possible. Its combination of powerful suction, advanced navigation, and innovative features like the Hair Detangling Technology make it a standout option. While it comes with a few drawbacks, such as its size and dependence on app integration for advanced features, the benefits far outweigh these points. For those seeking a high-performance vacuum that takes the hassle out of daily chores, the Eufy L60 is a solid choice. This vacuum competes well with similar models like Shark AI Ultra and iRobot Roomba Combo i5+, offering a compelling blend of features for an efficient cleaning experience.
Hands-free maintenance
Powerful 5,000 Pa suction
Advanced hair detangling
High-capacity dustbin
Precise navigation technology
Higher price point
Requires app for full functionality
Can be loud during operation
Bulkier than other models


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